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Hannia is an excellent student who already in her sophomore year is taking on AP classes – her favorite being psychology. In addition to her schoolwork and participation in extra-curricular activities like the National Honors Society and the Student Voice Committee, Hannah often is asked to care for her younger cousins. Hannia’s sponsors at Minds Matter praise her determination and devotion to her interests which is reflected in her choice of summer programs.

Hannia will travel to Brown University this summer to join other high-achieving students from all over the world to experience life on a college campus and to delve more deeply into academic topics of interest – including psychology.

In her application, Hannia told us,

“Growing up, I saw how many of my older cousins got very close to going to college, but many factors prevented them from achieving their dream. My mother did not have the opportunity to complete middle school because she had to take care of her siblings in Mexico. I have also seen how hard they struggle and how hard my mother works. For this reason, I want to serve as an example to my little cousins that completing an education is possible.”

Meet the rest of our scholars.

Read the rest of our Mid-year Report.